Day 2 Reflection: Meet Group D!
In this weeks class we began working in our assigned teams with whom we will be working with for the entire semester (or at least I think we will, I'm not sure if any rotation will occur) I was assigned to Group D. Meeting with my group was interesting, though we jumped right into the group activity so we didn't get time to acquaint ourselves, but so far I think my group has at least 2 seniors, an I'm interested to see what dynamic this group will have between the younger and older members (I'm a freshman but this hasn't had an impact yet).
Group Activity!:
We were told to sort almost 30 different definitions of "Communication" into as many different categories as our group saw fit. My group had a rudimentary system of grouping, we just did it based on key phrases we saw in the definition like "social" or "symbol".
These are the groups we sorted our into:
My favorite part of the activity by far was when we got to go around the class and see how everyone else sorted the definitions. It was so interesting to see how all the other groups took the exact same definitions as us and sorted them in completely different groups, or similar ones.
One group, in particular, stood out to me when we were looking around, Group F
During the activity, I hadn't even considered using elements from the pyramid of communication and the sorting that they did make me rethink the choices that my group had made and reminded me of the importance of considering more aspects than just key phrases in the future.
This activity underscored how communication varies from person to person, group to group; and how humans can interpret the same information in different ways and it really made me think about how it's important to view different perspectives in order to grow as a society.
Group Activity!:
We were told to sort almost 30 different definitions of "Communication" into as many different categories as our group saw fit. My group had a rudimentary system of grouping, we just did it based on key phrases we saw in the definition like "social" or "symbol".
These are the groups we sorted our into:
My favorite part of the activity by far was when we got to go around the class and see how everyone else sorted the definitions. It was so interesting to see how all the other groups took the exact same definitions as us and sorted them in completely different groups, or similar ones.
One group, in particular, stood out to me when we were looking around, Group F
This activity underscored how communication varies from person to person, group to group; and how humans can interpret the same information in different ways and it really made me think about how it's important to view different perspectives in order to grow as a society.
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